OC World is a nonprofit multimedia news-features public affairs program that broadcasts to 15+ million household from Santa Barbara to San Diego on KLCS-PBS. As a nonprofit organization dedicated to informing and engaging the public, we recognize the importance of maintaining fairness and transparency in all of our editorial content and dissemination efforts.

By virtue of our association with KLCS-PBS – which has its own set of editorial guidelines and policies – we make every effort to preserve the independence of our editorial decision-making process and ensure that our programming remains free from undue outside influence or bias.

OC World accepts grants, sponsorships, and underwriting for the general support of our activities, but our news-features judgments are made independently and in compliance with the standards outlined by the Institute for Nonprofit news (INN). We also take guidance on the subject of journalistic ethics, disclosure and potential conflicts of interest from the Society of Professional Journalists and the American Press Institute.

Independence: OC World maintains full editorial independence from any external influence, including advertisers, donors, sponsors, or underwriters. Our editorial decisions are made solely based on journalistic principles, including accuracy, fairness, and public interest.

Transparency: OC World is committed to transparency in our editorial processes and practices. We disclose clearly on our website and in our programming any potential conflicts of interest that may arise, including financial relationships with sponsors or underwriters, affiliations with individuals or organizations mentioned in our content, and any other factors that could reasonably be perceived as influencing our editorial decisions.

Nonpartisanship: OC World does not endorse political parties, candidates, or ideologies. Our programming is impartial and objective, presenting multiple perspectives on issues of public concern without promoting any particular agenda.

Editorial Integrity: OC World’s editorial team adheres to the highest ethical standards in their reporting, writing, and editing. We strive for accuracy, fairness, and balance in all of our content, and we take prompt corrective action if errors are identified.

Corrections: OC World believes in the accuracy of its reporting, and that correcting errors promptly is vital to our credibility.

OC World believes that a free and independent nonprofit multimedia company such as ours is essential for a vibrant democracy. By adhering to the principles outlined in this Editorial Independence Policy, we reaffirm our commitment to providing the public with reliable, unbiased, and transparent journalism that serves the public interest.

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